We use the Fitzpatrick Scale (a skin type guide) to determine which
Aviva Labs Spray Tan Solution is perfect for you and your skin type.
Skin Type I Extremely sensitive to sun. Often
light-haired and fair-skinned with freckles. Usually sunburns easily.
Not likely to tan. Recommended: Aviva Inspires 8% DHA Sunless Tanning
Solutions or Winter Glow.
Skin Type II Very sensitive to sun. Often
fair-skinned with blue or light-colored eyes. Usually sunburns easily.
Able to achieve light tan. Recommended: Aviva Inspires 8% DHA or 10%
DHA Sunless Tanning Solutions.
Skin Type III Sensitive to sun. Most Caucasians fit
into this category. Sometimes sunburns. Achieves medium tan.
Recommended: Aviva Inspires 10% DHA Sunless Tanning Solutions.
Skin Type IV Moderately sensitive to sun. Often of
Mediterranean, Hispanic, or Asian descent. Sunburns a little. Usually
tans well. Recommended: Aviva Inspires 10% DHA or 12% DHA Sunless
Tanning Solutions.
Skin Type V Minimally sensitive to sun. Middle
Eastern, Latino, Indian, or light-skinned African-American. Rarely
sunburns and tans deeply. Recommended: Aviva Inspires 12% or 14% DHA
Sunless Tanning Solution and/or +35% DHA Booster Drops.
Skin Type VI Not sensitive to sun. Dark-skinned and/or
African-American. Almost never sunburns. Recommended: Aviva Inspires
12% or 14% DHA Sunless Tanning Solution and/or +35% DHA Booster Drops
to smooth out and even skin tone and color.